
What you need to know about data views

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Business people need to implement various things for their businesses to thrive and be successful. For instance, data views are an important segment for each email marketer applying Marketing Cloud. These marketers must critically understand how the data views work since the information they contain is essential in segmenting their audience for future campaigns. Also, the data views marketing cloud helps in gaining the information necessary for reporting.

Data Views Definition

Data views involve tables generated by the System in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. They make data more readable, exciting, and relevant for humans to understand. Data views comprise information regarding subscribers and events like links clicked, SMS/email sends, and email opens. Additionally, one can access behavioral data like the status of your contacts or subscribers and emails forwarded. Again, the information can also be specific to include viewing the bounce rate of a specific email.

Unlike data extensions, data views are somehow hidden in Marketing Cloud. Therefore, one can only apply structured query language to leverage them. To get the intended information in data views, you will primarily develop a structured query language in an Automation Studio.

Types of Data Views

  • Click; entails finding information from your campaign in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  • Subscribers; includes finding out the status and the accounts of subscribers in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  • Open; entails the data concerning the email opened in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  • Bounce allows you to get data from your campaigns in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  • Sent; allows you to find a subscriber’s list to which the communication was sent. This information is usually from the Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.

Types of Views in Structured Query Language (SQL)

There are two main types of views in SQL server, and they include;

  1. System Defined Views
  2. User-Defined Views

System Defined Views

System Defined Views involve predefined views already existing in the structured query language server database. They include Master, Tempdb, and temp, each of which has specific functions and properties. All User-Defined template databases come from the Master database. This database entails various predefined views containing templates for other databases, including tables. Its predefined views add up to about 230.

Primarily, System Defined Views are automatically linked with all User Defined databases, thus providing data concerning tables and databases. Also, it provides all properties of the tables and databases. There are three classifications of System defined views, and they include Dynamic Management View, Information Schema, and Catalog View.

User-Defined Views

The User Defined Views involve User-defined views. They are divided into two categories, including Complex View and Simple View.

Simple Views include views created from only one table or views having only one base table. Note that group functions like COUNT & MAX are not applicable here as they lack data groups.

Complex View

Complex views can consist of or be created with more than one base table. These views contain an order by clause, a group by clause, and join conditions; thus, group functions can be applied here. However, Insert, update, and delete cannot be used directly on these views.

Data views are worth investing in to help analyze your market segment.

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